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Here are some FAQs

How do I pause, resume, increase, or decrease lead flow?

With our service, you are in total control of your lead flow. You may pause leads, request more leads, or slow down the leads at any time. Just send us an email at: [email protected]

How do I know these are "good" leads?

Because we vet them, our process is to generate leads for you internally and text them. Once we speak to someone interested, we take down their information and make sure they're not contracted with another agent before sending them through to you.

We also provide additional notes on the conversation we've had with the lead to give you some context before you reach out to them.

When do I get charged?

When we send you a lead you are automatically charged. Because we take so much effort on the front end to text and qualify the lead, once we do, that is when the lead fee is deducted from your account.

What if I don't like the lead?

As a rule, the leads we send to you are final. It takes a huge amount of resources, time, and money to generate a lead worthy to send to you. To make this program a win/win for both of us, this is a firm policy and it's the reason we spend so much effort on the front end to vet these leads in the 1st place.

But what if I don't close the 1st lead you send me?!?!

If your close rate was 100%, that's be great right? It's not going to be, and it doesn't need to be. Leads might not close for a variety of reasons; some you control, some you don't. Circumstances change, personalities sometimes don't mesh, and a lead might decide not to sell ultimately. But that's okay! You don't need a 100% close rate to make this a HUGE win.

What happens if a lead does not answer?

As we've mentioned, we don't credit leads that don't answer. This is simply because we take so much effort on the front end to text and qualify the lead. However, our team can re-engage them for you for free.

In that case, how do I make money with this?

Our goal for you is to make at least 100% ROI from this program. So do some internal math. How much do you make per deal on average? Divide the cost you're paying by that number. That's your break-even # of conversions needed.

Now divide that by 2. That'll get you to 100% ROI and so that's the number of leads you'll need to receive, to close 1. Chances are you'll be in great shape to achieve this if you keep the big picture in mind. We have many many clients who count us as a key reason for massive growth in their business - so you're in great company!

What happens after I get the lead?

You take over. We recommend reaching out to the lead personally to introduce yourself following our training. Make sure you stay in touch with the lead and be HELPFUL in your approach to them. The longer you speak to them, the more rapport you build, the more value you add to that initial conversation, the more likely it is they will list their house with you.

Do you keep generating more leads after I get a lead?

Yes. That means you might get 2 or more leads in 1 day. That also means you will be billed automatically for each lead that we generate, so keep that in mind! If you want to pause service, simply send us an email at: [email protected] to fill out our change of service form. We can restart you anytime. It is your responsibility to let us know if you want to stop service!

Do you have a referral program?

Yes, we do! For every person who signs up because you referred us, we will send you 10 leads for free. Just get them to book a call with us here and make sure they mention your name under 'who referred you'.

What if I have questions?

No problem! Just email us at [email protected] and we'll give a speedy reply there.